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Study & Research

As the editor of,  this section is a place for me to learn, think and explore about social services, but it is also a place for my personal feelings, moments of insight and random notes that I record, so sometimes you won't see this section because I've made it invisible. Don't worry, this is a time of growth for me.

​作为Cuckoo Home网站的编辑者, 这个栏目是我对社会服务的学习, 思考和探索, 但这里更是我的个人心情的驿站, 瞬时的感悟, 随手的记录我都会记录这这个栏目, 所以, 你有时候会看不到这个栏目, 那是因为我把它设为不可见. 别担心, 这个时候正是我的成长时刻. 

This is a memoir dedicated to my grandma.

​What Should We Do When Facing Pre-existing (medical) Inequality?  (part1)

What Should We Do When Facing Pre-existing (medical) Inequality?  (part2)

​面对(医疗)不平衡, 我们应该怎么办(part3)

这是我写给自己的诗, 任何都从我开始

Challenge oneself, Explore and discover!

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